day 01 (october)

If you are just getting started, read this first / back to main page.

Was very excited to get started on our October session, and just in time, the smoke has returned. Had hours of errands in San Francisco and just returned to the studio for a late start. The eerie light and noxious air makes thought somehow difficult again. Sorry I can’t do more for all of us today.

If you are joining up and want to share any thoughts or ideas on what might help you this month, let me know. If folks are game, I might do some live IG check-ins, a weekly zoom group, post daily art prompts in case you are stuck. When the air gets better.

My day 01 plan:
Meditation (15 mins)
Drink water
Yoga inside. Too smoky to walk (30 mins)
More loose watercolors a la Julie Cloutier (1 hour)
Read: Ninth Street Women (30+ mins)
Listen: Scene on Radio Rethinking the history of the US.
Refine October plan (15+mins)
Pray for fires to stop

poison air today.

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