day 11

If you are just getting started, read this first / back to main page.

Was great to connect yesterday on Zoom. Great to put faces and voices to the artwork and the communications so far. Thanks for showing up, participating and sharing your experience! 

Have been taking free webinars (How to Build Your Online Community and Smartphone Filmmaking for Artists) given by the Artist Relief Project. A couple more happening this month you might enjoy. I got a nice little grant from them earlier this year. 

Two weeks left in October. Let’s make the most of them.

My day 11 plan:
Track time (all day)
Write a loose schedule/intentions for the rest of the month.
Limit time on the computer.
Finish all book board collages in process and photograph
Loose drawings

Residency admin:
Make a sign up/contact sheet for the group
Figure out how to centralize the resources we have shared: books, vids, etc.
Send out doodle poll for next zoom meeting

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