day 06

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Good morning, all!

Thanks SO much for your detailed responses and enthusiasm for what we are trying! I’m happy to hear that there is some overlap between ideas and practice here. I’m not replying in the thread, but I appreciate and enjoy each note you share with the group

To be clear, my daily “list” has been a goal setting exercise, and turns out to be quite aspirational. It is a movitator, but can also be a source of self-criticism when I lose concentration/energy. This isolation/covid/smoke/politics thing is rough. It hits each of us in different ways, and I am feeling the heaviness of it especially over the last few days.

I am trying for a “no list” day today, which means that, after my obligations are met, I will do whatever I want whenever I want. This is “path of least resistance” Thursday over here. Sending you encouragement from afar!

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