day 05

If you are just getting started, read this first / back to main page.

The here/now google group is off to a good start! Encouraging to here what everyone is doing and reading and making, and also that we have some struggles in common.

Today’s plan is just yesterday’s again. Crap. Optimism/productivity in the morning sometimes ends up unraveling, but here is my ambitious list for today. If I get half done, I am thrilled.

My day 05 plan:
Drink water
No online or social media time other than what serves the process below.
Meditation (10 mins)
Yoga (20 mins)
Continue pulling out older work. Destroy? Remake? (1 hour)
Loose drawings with flashe and acrylic. (1+ hour)
Small wood sculptures in progress (1 hour)
Make a deadline for October home exhibition. (15+mins)
Listen: Breath by James Nestor (audiobook). Trying to solve some sleep stuff. Good info.
Listen: My Flow State playlist. Listen on laptop to avoid ads.
Read: Ninth Street Women (30+ mins pm)

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