day 13

Good morning, friends!

It has taken three and a half months, but I think I have turned a corner on the residency this week. Some real focus has finally kicked in! 

Part of what is working is how important it is for me to use that limited resource, ENERGY, for the most nourishing things first. Yes, it sounds obvious. Still, I had to come to an awareness that my procrastination driven admin stuff deadens the day’s momentum. Why then, am I so drawn to it?

Plan for tomorrow: The most important things are done in the morning. Coffee, Yoga, Meditation, and a solid block of art making. I am committed to making this a new habit. The day-job and admin stuff happens later.

AND, I will see the Thursday zoom people at 3pm PST! What is on your mind today? What would you like to discuss?

Waiting to hear back from Corrina about her workshop. Please pencil in Dec 22 at 4pm. More soon. Visit the survey if you have not yet. Thanks! 

Happened across this lovely post from artist Caroline Burdett. How to Build Your Own Art Shipping Box

Have a great day, folks!  LW

Victoria: I know the time blocking might sound a little crazymaking, but the main result for me is less wasted time. because I am being honest about tracking it. I don’t want to write down that I spent 30 minutes scrolling on Instagram. It helps me catch myself before I go too far. Each day in the notebook has a “planned” column and a “reality” column. They never match… but my days are so improved.

Amanda: Your “Gong Show” reference made me laugh. 

Laura: Thanks for the Whitney Amy Sillman video. I will listed while making work tomorrow. It may be similar to her essay about color and paint. 

Kathryn: Have bookmarked the artist section of the Art Basel YouTube channel to keep me company tomorrow. Thanks!

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