day 11

Hello art friends.

Thank you for your emails yesterday. I loved reading about your intentions this week. Welcome again to all new residents. I hope you have time to join the open zoom meeting Thursday.

Good news and bad news for me! I have a paying job this week, which means less time for art practice, but a much needed money influx. Does anyone else wish they were an heiress?

I printed out the Year Compass and am wondering who else is working on it right now… will start in earnest today. 

Looking forward to the website group today to find out what the others have learned about how to present themselves. I also will enjoy seeing the art pals at a meeting I am not facilitating. (Ha! does that make me a bad person?)

Again, my list today is biting off chunks of what was not completed in recent lists. What are you up to?

I’ve added more useful info to the shared resources document. Check it out if you have time.

Looking forward to glimpsing you all a bit today, Thursday and Friday on my computer screen.



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